Campus : Jl. Raya Ketawang No.02, Krajan, Ketawang, Kec. Gondanglegi, Malang, Jawa Timur 65174
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Lecture at STIE Al-Rifaie Malang is steady solutions enhance career or obtaining new job (please click)
Regular Night Course Program STIE Al Rifaie Malang Pts Ptn 1Regular Night Course Program STIE Al Rifaie Malang Pts Ptn 10Regular Night Course Program STIE Al Rifaie Malang Pts Ptn 9Regular Night Course Program STIE Al Rifaie Malang Pts Ptn 7Regular Night Course Program STIE Al Rifaie Malang Pts Ptn 6Regular Night Course Program STIE Al Rifaie Malang Pts Ptn 4Regular Night Course Program STIE Al Rifaie Malang Pts Ptn 3
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Chairman : Dr. Ahmad Muflih, S.E., M.M
Founded 1983


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Regular Night Course Program (Afternoon / Evening Class)

New Student Admissions are held EVERY SEMESTER

STIE Al-Rifaie Malang - 41 years

Al-Rifaie Malang College of Economic

Regular Night Course Program STIE Al Rifaie Malang Pts Ptn 2
Regular Night Course Program STIE Al Rifaie Malang Pts Ptn 5

Subsidized tuition fee some companies, but it also carried out cross-subsidies, making it affordable communities. To make it more affordable to the public, is also given tuition credit facilities without interest and without collateral so as to afford the monthly installments according to the ability of students.

In accordance with Law-RI No.20 Th.2003 on National Education System (SISDIKNAS) in Section 19 paragraph (2) that "Higher Education organized by the Open Systems". And Law-RI explanation is written: "Education is an open system of education held by flexibility of choice and completion time cross-unit programs and educational pathways (multi entry-multi exit system). Learners can learn by working, or take educational programs .... etc."

Also in accordance with Constitution 1945 that "Every citizen has the right to education". While there are some among the citizens of the community who have limited free time (especially employees). Also some people who have limited funds.

To meet these needs STIE Al-Rifaie Malang organizes Regular Night Course Program (Online Lectures) simultaneously implement SOCIAL COMMITMENT. That is, with provide an opportunity for the whole community of graduates SMA, SMK, D1, D2, D3, Polytechnic, S1, etc., both of which have limited free time and limited funds, to continue their education (or moving departments) to Bachelor level (S-1)in majors of interest, a viable and quality appropriate Excellence & Advantages of STIE Al-Rifaie Malang. . . . . see all

Admission of New Students

Regular Night Course Program (Online Lectures)
Odd Semester Year 2024/2025
For the entire graduate SMA/SMK, D1, D2, D3/Polytechnic/Academy, S1 etc. proceed to Bachelor (S1) Programs or moved majors.
Period I = 1 September - 31 December 2023
Period II = 1 January - 30 April 2024
Period III = 1 May - 11 September 2024

Note : When you have the capacity to meet the immediate registration closed this semester, and next semester of enrollment immediately opened.

New Student Registration Fee = IDR 100.000,-
Registration is open EVERY DAY: Monday to Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration can be directly on the campus STIE Al-Rifaie Malang (PKSM Secretariat) or represented or can be via Post, Phone, Fax, mail, or via Internet or via Online Admission., Website, SMS and Whatsapp

Graduate Program (S-1)Management (S-1)
Accounting (S-1)

Info Services
Toll-free service : 0800 1234 000    
Email :  Contact Us   click here
WhatsApp : 0812 9526 2009     Mobile/SMS : 0896 350 67000, 0812 9526 2009, 0878 700 30088
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STIE Al-Rifaie Malang

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Steady Solutions
Enhance Career or Obtaining New Job

Legislation Supporting Regular Night Course (Online Lectures)

Regular Night Course Program (Online Lectures)   ◼   Quality of Teaching and Learning A